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How To Easily Make Floating Ads

It's been really not filling long blog post this tutorial. Now I just want to share a little about the easy and convenient way to create ads floating on the blog.

Immediately, yes, ..

Here are the steps:

     The first step obviously must login to your blogger account
     Create a new Widget (Select Javascript reply yes) in the sidebar and then enter the code below into the box the new widget:

     <p> <center> <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'> <imgsrc=''/>

     <style type = "text / css">
     #gb {
     position: fixed;
     top: 0px;
     z-index: +1000;
     * Html #gb {position: relative;}

     .gbcontent {
     float: right;
     border: 2px solid # 000000;
     background: # 333;
     padding: 10px;
     </ style>

     <script type = "text / javascript">
     showHideGB function () {
     var gb = document.getElementById ("GB");
     var w = gb.offsetWidth;
     gb.opened? moveGB (0, 30-w): moveGB (20-w, 0);
     gb.opened =! gb.opened;
     moveGB function (x0, xf) {
     var gb = document.getElementById ("GB");
     var dx = Math.abs (x0-XF)> 10? 5: 1;
     var dir = xf> x0? 1: -1;
     var x = x0 + dx * dir; = x.toString () + "px";
     if (x0! = xf) {setTimeout ("moveGB (" + x + "," + xf + ")", 10);}
     </ script>

     <div id = "gb">

     <div class = "gbtab" onclick = "showHideGB ()"> </ div>

     <div class = "gbcontent">

     <div style = "text-align: right">
     <a href="javascript:showHideGB()">
     .: <imgsrc="" title = "that appears, click again" alt = "lid" /> :.
     </ div>


     </ center>

     <script type = "text / javascript">
     var gb = document.getElementById ("GB"); = (30-gb.offsetWidth) .ToString () + "px";
     </ script> </ div> </ div>

     Then Save / Save. Done.

** To set the display as the background, height, border, you can edit the red writing.

That's the easy and practical way to create ads float, may be useful.
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