How to Build Backlinks From Your Own Blog Network or Private Blog Network - dude must have often heard the term Private Network or Network Blog Personal Blog. The purpose and what my goal has Private Blog Network (PBN) ?? No other instead is to build backlinks to our main website. So basically we have a few blogs (eg 10 blog) and his tenth blog all provide a backlink to our main site.
Backlink has become a deciding factor so that the site we were able to climb to the first google, but to find backlinks is not as easy as we imagine, it takes special tricks and techniques we need to know. Well for that, maybe the trick to build backlinks with blog network that we have can be absorbed in our work to build backlinks to our main site. Although in terms of building backlinks is not instant, aka SEO is LONG TERM, so do not expect in a short time our website will nagkring dipage one. We never know when our site is going up, could be a week, a month, a year, we do not know for sure, but clearly Google LOVE LINKS and UNIQUE CONTENT.
What to Look For In Building Backlinks from Private Blog Network
The first to be considered in building PBN is a matter of common IP or IP isebut IP Diversity and Link Diversity. Diversity is the Internet Protocol IP Address is the address identifying each host computer to the Internet network. Backlinks that come from a variety of different IP addresses is great for SEO. In doing link building should be natural and therefore backlinks must come from a different IP. What determines the IP address of a website is hosting. We can check the website using the IP Tool: http://who.is or http://whois.domaintools.com
So to make PBN we should have a blog of several different hosting in order to force her to be strong links, or if we build PBN from a free blog, should be of several different sites, for example from blogspot, wordpress, livejournal, Blogsome, weebly, etc.
Preparation of Private First build backlinks Blog Network
The first preparation is specify the topic of our main site. Eg general categories or topics that are commonly used: Music, Health, Marketing, Online Business, Food, Beverages, etc. So please specify the topic that best matches your main site.
After determining the topic, we will make 50 Blog with topics that are still related to our main site. Internetmarketing.blogspot.com example, internetmarketing.wordpress.com, internetmarketing.weebly.com etc.
Preparation of the second building backlinks Private Blog Network
The next preparation is register at some sites free blog providers below:
1. wordpress.com
2. blogspot.com
3. weebly.com
4. vox.com
5. livejournal.com
6. tumblr.com
7. webs.com
8. squidoo.com
9. vox.com
10. sosblogs.com
Time to Action
1. First make the main article we are going to shoot at our main website, the article had said 700-1000 words (the article is on our main website)
2. Both supporters to make a long-word article about 200-300 (this article in input on our main website, and on each article put a link to the main article)
3. Fill 50 blog network that we have created with a unique article, this article should be read by humans (visitors) or can not be read nor anything (because it's not for human backlinks). Take it then wash the article of ezinearticle.com this article using google translate every aspect of the language, until finally into Indonesian, then input the link in the article to our main article.
4. Perform this step until all of us have an article blog network, each blog has an article about 15-20 articles. This article, if we want to create the right and can be read by visitors is also not a problem, it's even better, but if not able to make it, enough with the results of the washing-washing article on google translate, important article is unique, no duplicate content. To see what unique articles we have not, can be checked in www.copyscape.com
Okey, the process of building a blog network seems to have been completed and can mate practice, good luck and good practice.
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