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18 Powerful Ways Improve Your IQ

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1. Pull Breath in deeply.

By breathing through your nose could increase your brain function quickly. Took a deep breath in providing more oxygen intake in your blood, and of course on your brain. Low oxygen levels in your blood will reduce your brain function. If you are interested, you can try to do breathing exercises.

2. Make Journal.

Catharine M. Cox, an author, has studied the habits of 300 geniuses - like Isaac Newton, Einstein, and Thomas Jefferson - and found that all the genius is the author of a journal or diary that is diligent. Also, remember that Thomas Edison wrote 3 million pages of notes, letters, and personal thoughts in hundreds of personal journals throughout his life.

3. Learn as much as possible.

When we learn new things, we create new neural part of current flow in the brain. People who are "smart" is a person who has a current flow more than the others. The human brain creates neural current flow by learning new things; and the more diverse it is learned, the more "smart" brain anyway.

4. Learn Speed ​​Reading.

Photo Reading is very easy to learn techniques that will help you to process large amounts of written information more quickly and help you remember the information better than traditional methods taught in schools.

Although most speed reading techniques teach you how to move your eyes faster in every page you read, Photo Reading is a reading system that teach you to use the conscious mind and your subconscious when reading. Basically, Photo Reading can be done by using some reading material that is easy to read by applying several different techniques every time. The first materials engage your conscious mind and use other methods to improve your memory and understand the material.

5. Take a Short Time to Rest Regularly.

Study for 20 minutes and then take the time to rest briefly. This method is effective because of the things you learn at the beginning and end of the session you will learn to last longer in your memory. You can download (download) Motivator Software for free so that every 20 minutes a message appears on your computer reminding you to rest.

6. Use Acronyms to Remember Information.

Acronyms are abbreviations shape formed from the initial letters of each word. This method of memory will help you to learn large amounts of information in a short time. For example, "Every Good Boy Does Fine" is an acronym that is often used by musicians to remember the tone in a particular key.

7. Breakfast.

The breakfast has been shown to improve concentration, problem-solving ability, mental performance, memory, and mood. Breakfast is the first opportunity for the body to recharge glucose levels after a period of 8 to 12 hours without food. Glucose is the main source of energy for your body.

8. Use Your Body to Help You Learn Something.

Body movement is a key process in the development and learning process. Brain Gym (Sports Brain) is a simple exercise program, developed over 25 years by educational specialists, Dr. Paul Dennison. Brain Gym can help you in the following matters:
- understanding
- concentration
- Thinking in the abstract
- Memory
- Mental Fatigue
- The ability to complete the task
- Physical balance and coordination

Click here to find 3 Brain Gym exercises that you can do ("Brain Buttons", "Cross Crawl", and Hook Ups ").

9. Meditation.

Neuropsychologist says that meditation can change the structure of your brain. The results of MRI scans of meditators showed more brain activity in brain circuits you notice anything in particular. When the annoying noises heard on meditators who are through MRI scans, these sounds have only a small effect on the area of ​​their brain that involves emotion and decision-making processes compared to those who do not meditate or less experienced meditators.

10. Stay away from food that contains sugar.

Carbohydrates in any form - such as pasta, white bread and potato chips - can make you feel tired and lazy. The effects of eating these foods will make you difficult to think clearly. This is the result of insulin circulating in your blood sugar levels to counteract that is too high.

Sports Emotional Intelligence (EI) you.

Over the years the public give much emphasis on aspects of intelligence, such as the ability to think logically, mathematically, the understanding of space, analogies, verbal, and others. However, over the last few years, many people feel they are wasting their potential by thinking, acting, and communicating in ways that hinder their chances of success. Emotional intelligence is recognized as the meta-physical abilities that allow you to take advantage of the ability and the talent that you have optimally. .

12. Take advantage of your time each.

Take advantage of all the time, for example when you use public transportation or waiting in line, productively. Complete the crossword puzzle or Sudoku while waiting in the queue and listen to audio programs while using public transportation.

13. Jogging.

One expert explained that you can improve mood, prevent memory loss, sharpen your intellect, and work better simply by treating your heart rate and sweating. Scientific evidence shows that aerobic exercise reshaping our brains to achieve optimum performance.

14. Train all of your senses.

Scientists find that the human brain to learn most effectively through activities that involve various senses. Children and adults learn very well when they learn through activities involving sight, sound, emotion, reciprocal, spatial orientation, and even the sense of taste and flavor.

Mike Adams, an author, explains in his book that a child who is given the definition of "weightlessness" verbally obtain information about the word through one dimension: the hearing. If you show a child movie about an astronaut floating in space when you say the word "weightless", you provide the information through two-dimensional word; where the child sees and hears the word. And if you tell the child to use the trampoline jumping up and down and shouted "weightless" when the child is in the air, the sense of the word will be increasingly embedded deeper in the brain.

15. Train Your Brain Waves Alpha.

The study found that the ideal conditions for learning is when the brain is in a relaxed condition, but stay focused and awake. In this state the brain waves running about 8 to 12 cycles per second, which is known as the alpha state.

16. Consume antioxidants.

Antioxidants protect the cells of your body, including your brain cells. Some foods with high antioxidant content include: raisins, blueberries, blackberries, garlic, cranberries, strawberries, spinach, and raspberries.

17. Use your intuition.

Learn to use your intuition becomes a process of gathering information. By relying on your intuition, you expand your awareness and direct your subconscious to gather information from the environment around you.

18. Use Assistant System Memory.

Auxiliary system memory, or well known as the system object number, is a technique to remember the list. This system works by remembering a list of words that can easily be "associated" with the number represented by these words. (1-10, 1-100, and so on). That's your memory. If you must keep a list in a short time, each item on the list can match you with a suitable number. Once you remember these numbers, you can use the same numbers over and over again every time you need to remember something.

When you have to memorize things that are in the list, visualize the object with the number you have. You can choose the words that have the same rhyme with the numbers, the following examples are taken from Wikipedia:

For example, if you memorize 10 things you want to buy at the drugstore: cotton (cotton ball), toothpaste (toothpaste), chewing gum (gum), paper (paper), glue (glue), index cards (index cards) , multivitamin (multivitamins), hand cream (hand cream), shampoo, and nail polish (nail polish). Do the following:
1. Imagine cotton (cotton balls) fired from the gun (gun)
2. Imagine a gorilla at the zoo (zoo) was brushing his teeth
3. Imagine a tree (a tree) with a pack of gum (gum) growing on branches
4. Imagine someone enter through the paper (paper door)
5. Imagine se-jar glue (glue) surrounded by bees as if the jar was a beehive (beehive)
6. Imagine a house made ​​of bricks (bricks) index cards (index cards)
7. Imagine angels (angels) are taking a multivitamin.
8. Imagine a plate (a plate full) containing cream (hand cream)
9. Imagine a glass of wine (a wine glass) containing shampoo.
10. Imagine a rooster (a hen) with red nails (bright red nails).

May be useful ...
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