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This is 4 Causes Why Blogging So Boring

This is 4 Causes Why Blogging So Boring
Blogging is a word that sounds unique and even strange, especially for those who have not heard.
However, for bloggers or those who are already familiar with blogs certainly diverse opinions that comes to their minds. Some are thinking about #money, articles, visitors, friends and popularity.There also are thinking about how difficult, depressed, dizzy undergo stress and complexity of this blogging activity.
As a blogger who wants to make money and foraging on the blog of course have to learn
enjoy this job, and do not be too rethinking how boring this blogging activity.
In this case, the administrators included in this type of serious and bloggers who want to explore the science and blogging in order to further maximize revenue from the blog and share tips and experiences useful to the reader. Yet once we as a humane man will certainly feel tired, tired, tired and bored (plus its own if less: D).
Here are some demands that must be met by a blogger if you want to succeed, demands that often the cause of boredom in blogging.
This is the Cause Why Blogging So Boring1). Individuals Must Be CreativeFirst, you must be a creative individual and also have to have a lot of new ideas that can be realized in the form of writing, in order to meet the demands of new articles updated regularly. All serious bloggers certainly experienced this, sometimes even out of ideas posting. It is sure to be a heavy pressure and worse still. The case is constantly repeated every heart.
2). Must Forget and Far from Real lifeYou would know if blogging will certainly take a long time especially when creating new articles are fresh. In daily life, a blogger will tend to spend more time in front of a computer screen or laptop to deal with their blogs rather than hanging out with friends or family.
This also applies to me after some time decided to become a fulltime blogger. My longer alone in my room accompanied by a laptop than to gather with friends or family.
Even my parents are often advised and sometimes angry since they always lack of sleep and too late when mealtime. #Blogging Turns makes us as human beings who are not humanized because we could not have a normal life of another human being.
3). Being Lazy and Easy Esophageal DiseaseSitting in a long time, even one full day in front of computer screens and laptops make a blogger become sedentary, it will make you susceptible to disease. Most of the diseases suffered by people who are too old to sit and take place within the valid period of time can cause kidney pain / lumbar, myopia / sore eyes, and most likely also be suffering from kidney stones. This will be more likely to occur if it is not matched with a healthy lifestyle and drinking enough water.
4). Unstable incomeIncome derived by a blogger it is relative, because it is very
rely on how diligent you are updating a new article in order to pick up unique visitors to visit our blog.
Try it, if you are one #Google Adsense publisher, then do not update the article for a few weeks and see what happens to your daily income! Certainly decreased.
In contrast, if you have another job as an employee or a teacher with a fixed salary every month, so you do not worry. This is quite different from blogging is not !!
Well buddy, enough so first. Hopefully the article titled Here Cause Why Blogging So Boring is useful for bloggers and for its own admin. Thank You've read.
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