The above questions instead of colleagues or visitors to the blog, but arise from my curiosity about Google's advertising programs or adsene.Then I tried to draw into an article, about how much capital is needed to become a successful Google AdSense publisher.If andra browsing, you will find many success stories of the publisher of this advertising program.One is Kang Fri who have been successful with his personal blog that many factors that drew me to be able to participate in this program.I then tried to follow their steps, and concluded the way up to become a pulibsher capital Adsense.
1. The determination and strong intention.
It's very important, because it is usually to achieve something good, there must be bitter and sweet, fall and get up, it is a common thing, there is a saying "Failure is success delayed".Not easy to be accepted by the Google team Adsene, you can ask them who are already successful, how many times rejected by the Google team? how many times a blog got banned? or it could be when it was accepted as a Publisher small but steady income. So the intention to move forward is the main thing.
2. Create a Blog.
The second thing would be done by creating a blog, you can use a free platform from or or the other also. or if you have the capital, can directly buy a TLD or Top Level Domain along Hosting, such as or another.Price buy a domain and Hosting relativ cheap, around Rp. 160,000 to USD 5000,000. pending choice well as your needs.
3. Determine the blog content.Content is something that we must pay attention, because it is an early goal you create a blog, you can search through Google's keyword research in AddWord, or on other websites that provide keyword research services.Later it will reflect the content of your blog to bo own niche. For example, you create the content of interest, means that all the content of your blog is certainly associated with flowers.
4. Routine Update (Post).
As I've mentioned earlier on the page, How to Increase Blog Trafic.With your regular updates, will automatically make your blog will be keyword rich, and of course Google Bot is very familiar with your blog, and your blog certainly has high traffic.I was bored reminded to never perform Copy Paste !, article because it will cause your blog will be detected as SPAM by Google Bot.
In conclusion: A Capital to be a Google Adsense publisher is not large, the intention and the time to write is the main capital. But if there is money, there's nothing wrong you buy your own domain, you look so serious to pursue this program.If anyone wants to ask please leave a comment. Good luck into Publisher,Greetings Blogger
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