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How to Create Automated Title In Blogger Label Widget

This time I will optimize the label widget on your blog by giving or add a title on the widget link label, as we know the default widget in blogger Keith label no title to, therefore I will give an automatic title on a label widget blog

    This trick is similar to giving other label widget as a popular post, archive, page list and others to see the demo you can see my label widget widget label there is no title to, to know the title link on the label simply hover your cursor label widget.

Cara Membuat Title Otomatis Pada Widget Label Blogger

Here's How to Make Auto Title In Blogger Label Widget

  1.      Make sure you've installed the widget label first
  2.      Then go to the editor template => jump to the widget => Label1
  3.      This will let you see the widget html like this

     <b: widget id = 'Label1' locked = 'false' title = 'Labels' type = 'Label'>
     </ b: widget>

   4.  then replace the above code with the code below

     <b: widget id = 'Label1' locked = 'false' mobile = 'yes' title = 'Label' type = 'Label'>
       <b: includable id = 'main'>
             <b: if cond = 'data: the title'>
            <h3> <data: title /> </ h3>
             </ b: if>
             <div expr: class = '& quot; widget-content & quot; + Data: display + & quot; -label-widget-content & quot; '>
            <b: if cond = 'data: the display == & quot; list & quot;'>
              <ul> <b: loop values = 'data: the labels' var = 'label'> <li> <b: if cond = 'data: the blog.url == Data: label.url'> <span expr: dir = 'Data: blog.languageDirection'> <data: /> </ span> <b: else /> <a expr: dir = 'Data: blog.languageDirection' expr: href = 'Data: label.url + & quot;? & amp; amp; max-results = 8 & quot; 'expr: title = 'Data:'> <data:> </a> </ b: if> <b: if cond = 'data: the showFreqNumbers'> <span dir = "ltr"> (<data: label.count />) </ span> </ b: if> </ li> </ b: loop> </ ul>
            <b: else />
              <b: loop values = 'data: the labels' var = 'label'>
             <span expr: class = '& quot; label-size-size-label & quot; + Data: label.cssSize '>
               <b: if cond = 'data: the blog.url == Data: label.url'>
              <span expr: dir = 'Data: blog.languageDirection'> <data: /> </ span>
               <b: else />
              <a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'> <data:> </a>
               </ b: if>
               <b: if cond = 'data: the showFreqNumbers'>
              <span class = 'label-count' dir = 'ltr'> (<data: label.count />) </ span>
               </ b: if>
             </ span>
              </ b: loop>
            </ b: if>
             </ div>
           </ b: includable>
     </ b: widget>

  5.   Save the template and see the results

Well that's How to Make Easy Auto Title In Blogger Label Widget, to prove whether in the label widget to your blog title to or have not already exist, you can direct your kuror on the widget link label, so thank you good luck
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