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Google Sandbox: Drastically Down Blog Visitors

pengunjung blog
No wonder
Google algorithm changes have an impact on the entire website and blog in google SERP. In addition to the blog visitors plummeted there is also a positive influence can be felt by many people who have a blog or website. It can not deny that Google is the king of search engines, for that as users we should be subject to the rules and terms of service that has been set google (Google TOS) or if you create a blog on blogger, then you also have to abide by the Blogger TOS.

As in previous years, every certain period google continues to hold changes in accordance with the standard algorithm. This I do by google so
to improve security and comfort for users. Meaning is not all blogs and websites indexed in google search enging meet the standards, with the sense there is a website and blog spam or infected with viruses, which may jeopardize the users while browsing using google search engine. As with Google Penguin algorithm which in terjunkan by google to clear from what I have mentioned.

No wonder why many blogs deleted by google, let alone blog often nyepamspam, usually is a blog created for use seo contest seo techniques that are prohibited (black hat seo). Speaking of seo contest, here I will also inform your little master seo seo contest is being held, you may be interested to follow it, but I remind you again to you, if you follow it do optimization with good seo techniques seo techniques and correct fit which has the recommended google (read: google seo techniques) both on page seo or seo off page.

  refer to the explanation which I will describe below.

Drastic Decline Causes Blog Visitors

According to one source that I read the main cause of the blog visitors can freefall is because Google has marked the incoming backlinks to your blog as unnatural backlink. So like it or not, like it or not, this will obviously have an impact on our article in the SERP rankings, which of course will decrease the impact the decline in visitors to the blog as well as the number of clicks that come directly from the serach engine.

Google Sandbox

The lack naturalan backlinks obtained often done by many bloggers who want to get a top position in SERP, it could happen but it is very risky and did not last long. Even the worst effects in addition to the decline in visitors to a website, blog or article is affected by google sandbox (Sandbox Effect).

So how to get out of Google's sandbox? To opt out of Google sandbox you can use to - the following ways;

     Reduce Optimization

How to get out of Google sandbox first is to reduce the excessive optimization, such as reducing the excessive ping, and seek excessive backlinks. Look backlinks naturally, that is 1 to 10 per day.

     Writing Re-Post
The way out of Google sanbox second is to rewrite the article exposed the Google sandbox. So that affected Google sanbox article look more fresh and new.

     review articels

How to get out of Google sandbox third is to review the article that exposed the Google sandbox. Reviewing here is that we create articles that are similar but not the same, that is not similar to that exposed the Google sandbox article on the blog dummy. And insert a link that leads to articles that exposed the Google sandbox. If you do not have a dummy blog, you can ask the help of your blogger friends.

     Re-Submit to GWT

After all the way - the way the above is done, and how to get out of Google sandbox the latter is to re-submit the article exposed the Google sandbox to GWT (Google Webmaster Tools).

Regardless the google sandbox several factors causing the decline drastically pngunjung blog is due to several factors such as:
  1.      Changing the title of the blog
  2.      Changing the keyword blog
  3.      Changing the description of the blog
  4.      Changing template blog
  5.      Changing meta tags and other blogs

If concluded to overcome blog visitors who dropped drastically, the first way is to first check the quality of backlinks you have, whether the cause of visitors fell due to tekena punishment / penalty of unatural backlinks or not and review again what you have done to your website or blog you have. After reading this article in a super blog pedia, then immediately update and upgrade your seo strategy.
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