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How to Quickly & Easily Change Text Image (Photo) Results Scan to PDF or Image Text Could Be The Edit and Copy Paste Online and Offline (Download FreeOCR)

When you want to copy and paste an image format of writing alias drawing either directly in the form of JPG, or PDF, you must be difficult if done by copying and pasting the usual. because this is an experience I am, then I would be a little to share with friends - friends, but for those who already know
please in skip it.

Okay with it, there are several ways to change here you can through online and offline can also use the application.


If you want to change via the Online or the Internet, you can use this site:

2. Offline (Application)

If you want to use the application, you can use the application below:

- FreeOCR

FreeOCR is a document scanning application that is compiled with the Tesseract OCR engine, or better known as the Tesseract GUI. Own OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. That means that the application can read the character or word from an image and issued its output in text form.

Many people think of OCR software to convert the image into a character. Although the idea is not wrong, but in fact the character recognition process is much more complex than just convert it. Keep in mind that the OCR software is never 100% correct in the scanning process, as well as FreeOCR. You still need to check the posts that have been scanned by this application.

- Microsoft Office OneNote

This one application maybe quite popular and can be said you already know enough, Changing PDF files to Microsoft Office that it can later copy and paste. For friends - friends who have Microsoft Office OneNote on his computer, it can
wear following methods to convert document images into text you can edit pal. Here below are the steps that must pal do:

1. Open Microsoft OneNote via Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft OneNote Microsoft Office OneNote 2. Once open, click on the new page and then click Insert -> Pictures -> From Files (if you want
input flie pdf select File / File )
3. Select an image or pdf file scan documents that you want to grab it and click Insert text
4. After the image of the document is open, please right click -> Copy Text from Picture
5. Open Microsoft Office Word via Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office Word
6. Paste in Microsoft Word documents.
7. Right-click and select paste / Ctr + V
8. The text is ready to mate edit.
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