If you want to become a professional blogger you normally would need hosting to store your blog data. There are two types of hosting that you can use, free hosting and paid hosting. Each option must have left their advantages and disadvantages. What lacks free hosting and paid hosting what advantages will be discussed on the occasion of this post.

Hosting is the online cupboard to store all data that is read in the blog. Website / blog just a medium to display, the content of the blog is actually accommodated by hosting. Especially for your blogger platform users do not need to buy hosting again because you already get it for free. This is one advantage if you use blogger.com blog
Although blogging using blogger / blogspot you no longer need to purchase a hosting package does not mean you are not recommended to use premium hosting service. Back to the purpose of your blog, if your goal is to create a professional blog with planning to monetize the blog or for other important goals, then you still need hosting (self-hosting) because then your blog will look classy and there are many benefits that can be you can from it.
What about the bloggers who use this blogging platform other than blogspot? Suppose you use wordpress.org where you should have your own hosting for self hosting wordpress.org form. You should hire your own hosting, and you can use a free hosting free hosting provider, or you can buy it. This is what we will discuss, which one is more suitable to be chosen. Paid or free?
Every free service tends to round the limitations, as well as hosting. You can save your money by using free hosting, but on the other you can not enjoy the important features when choosing a free hosting. Meanwhile, if you are using a paid hosting you get unlimited access and features of the hosting provider you use. Actually a lot of harm if you use wordpress self hosting blog but you are using a free hosting.
Here are some of the things that distinguishes between a free hosting to paid hosting
Excess free hosting
No need to buy
Disadvantages free hosting
features limited
access is limited
Maximum performance can not blog
Unable to perform data backup
Not getting service customer service
Not given notification when the service will be shut down (partly given notice)
Data is not safe
Can not advertise on blogs
Some brands include free hosting hosting
Disadvantages paid hosting
Had to buy
Loss if you have to buy hosting, but the blog does not make money.
Overall price is still expensive hosting
Excess paid hosting
Get unlimited features
Blog easy on the optimization
SEO plugin support is very good
Allows you to earn money online
Your data is secure
Support good customer service
Conclusions and recommendations
If you do not want to be burdened because they have to buy hosting, then you should be blogging using blogger / blogspot.
If you are really serious about wanting to pursue the field of blogging for a long period of time and you choose self-hosting wordpress platform as an option, do not use free hosting. So far, free hosting is not the right choice for you. Free hosting has many shortcomings, one of which you are not allowed to advertise on blogs.

Hosting is the online cupboard to store all data that is read in the blog. Website / blog just a medium to display, the content of the blog is actually accommodated by hosting. Especially for your blogger platform users do not need to buy hosting again because you already get it for free. This is one advantage if you use blogger.com blog
Although blogging using blogger / blogspot you no longer need to purchase a hosting package does not mean you are not recommended to use premium hosting service. Back to the purpose of your blog, if your goal is to create a professional blog with planning to monetize the blog or for other important goals, then you still need hosting (self-hosting) because then your blog will look classy and there are many benefits that can be you can from it.
What about the bloggers who use this blogging platform other than blogspot? Suppose you use wordpress.org where you should have your own hosting for self hosting wordpress.org form. You should hire your own hosting, and you can use a free hosting free hosting provider, or you can buy it. This is what we will discuss, which one is more suitable to be chosen. Paid or free?
Every free service tends to round the limitations, as well as hosting. You can save your money by using free hosting, but on the other you can not enjoy the important features when choosing a free hosting. Meanwhile, if you are using a paid hosting you get unlimited access and features of the hosting provider you use. Actually a lot of harm if you use wordpress self hosting blog but you are using a free hosting.
Here are some of the things that distinguishes between a free hosting to paid hosting
Excess free hosting
No need to buy
Disadvantages free hosting
features limited
access is limited
Maximum performance can not blog
Unable to perform data backup
Not getting service customer service
Not given notification when the service will be shut down (partly given notice)
Data is not safe
Can not advertise on blogs
Some brands include free hosting hosting
Disadvantages paid hosting
Had to buy
Loss if you have to buy hosting, but the blog does not make money.
Overall price is still expensive hosting
Excess paid hosting
Get unlimited features
Blog easy on the optimization
SEO plugin support is very good
Allows you to earn money online
Your data is secure
Support good customer service
Conclusions and recommendations
If you do not want to be burdened because they have to buy hosting, then you should be blogging using blogger / blogspot.
If you are really serious about wanting to pursue the field of blogging for a long period of time and you choose self-hosting wordpress platform as an option, do not use free hosting. So far, free hosting is not the right choice for you. Free hosting has many shortcomings, one of which you are not allowed to advertise on blogs.
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