In addition to setting up permalinks, another useful SEO tips for blogs quickly and easily indexed by search engines like Google is to create a google sitemap. Sitemap at ease blog search engine robots for example Googlebot indexing a blog content. Sitemap This blog is a file in XML format
To create a sitemap wordpress blog for search engines, there are easy ways you can do that is by using a plugin. Plugins are useful to create a sitemap for search engines available aplenty. One of the most often used and I will wear the tutorial on how to create a sitemap wordpress blog blog is Google XML Sitemaps. Method of making an XML sitemap to Google sitemaps plugins are partially follows:
- On your blog dashboard click the Plugins menu »Add New.
- In the Add New plugins window, type "Google XML Sitemaps" (without the quotes) in the search input box and click the Search Plugins.
- On the search results page of plugins, click install to the right of writing Google XML Sitemaps.
- In the window that appears click Install Now once again writing that was on the right side of the window. Then the Google XML Sitemaps plugin installation will begin.
- After the plugin installation process is complete, click Activate Plugin to activate the Google XML Sitemaps plugin.
Process Google XML Sitemaps plugin installation has been completed. Now you need to do a few more steps to create a sitemap for your wordpress blog because by simply installing these plugins, you have not made a sitemap. For that do the following steps:
- Still on your dashboard, click the Settings menu »XML Sitemap.
- On the settings page XML Sitemap, click on Click here on the top of the page. Then sitemap will be made to automatically

Tutorial how to create a sitemap for your WordPress blog search engines are finished. Henceforth, every time you post a new article, the sitemap will be updated automatically. After the sitemap ready, then you must submit (register) this sitemap to search engines. This sitemap can also be used on search engines other than google like Yahoo or Bing. How to registering a sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools, Yahoo and Bing I will discuss in a later article.
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