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How to Monetize Blog With Self Ad

Many ways and, etode can do to make money from blogs, one of which is to provide independent ad slots on the blog. By providing a room or space of your blog which enables advertisers to promote products or your own blog website.

This method can be applied in any blog platform that allows advertisers are like blogger, tumblr, blogdetik, and mywapblog or blog with selfhosting / hosting itself as Regardless of the platform you will use but the most important is that the blog has a pretty high traffic.
How to Get Money From Blog With Self Ad

How to monetize your blog with ads
independent Blog with high traffic is very valuable, advertisers will definitely like the blog because advertisers are looking for is traffic that could lead to the blog or the products they manage, of course, means that organic traffic was largely derived from search engines like google, yahoo, bing and ask.

The amount of traffic can be used as a baseline to determine the price of each ad slot installed. Generally independent ad in pairs within a period of one month for more details read this article up to completion.

These tips:

     Having a blog. This condition
the main because the blog will run the ads, if belim can create free blogs first

     High traffic. Having a blog without traffic does not mean the same if you want to make money from a blog, increase traffic to the blog by the promotion, share and write useful articles can make visit increase the rank of your blog is also rising.

     Creating Ad Slot. Placement of the ad slots on the blog should be ideal and easily viewed by visitors. However, not to make visitors to the blog becomes uncomfortable let alone make blog loading becomes heavy and long as it will affect the quality of the traffic and ranking blogs (Traffic and blog ranking will decrease). This will also affect the income that you will get because of the price of advertising slots on blogs cheaper.

     Pricing Advertising. Next specify the price of the ad slots in pairs. To determine this, you can see other blogs that are also open an independent advertising service on his blog. Distinguish price of banner ads by size, the large width and the price is getting expensive, banner ads are usually in pairs of size 729 x 90, 300 x 250, and 468 x 60.

     Promote Bid Ad Slot. After you apply the above step is completed, the next is to promote your ad slots bid to create pages that contain your latest blog traffic as the number of visitors per day / page view. Keep the data coming from histats or google analytics. In these pages you can show or explain the excess if the advertisements on your blog. Once you have set the page and save it and place the link on the sidebar of the blog page as it could be placed on the menu under the header with the anchor text or Advertise Here Advertise, do not forget to link to the picture of your ad slots.

All of this is based on personal experience I've ever practiced in my own blog, hopefully useful post about how to monetize a blog with independent ad, do not forget to share it with your other friends
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