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How To Know Blog Weight and Measure And Load Speed Blog / Web

How to Use:
1. Enter the address of your blog / website that you want to check, into the text box.
You can enter up to 10 blogs / websites different to measure the speed and compare them. After entering the first address, press Enter and enter a new address on a new line.
2. Click "Check!"
The result will be a Size (measure of weight), loading time (total time loading) and averageg speed per KB (average speed per KB).

Mengukur dan membandingkan berat blog
Noteworthy is its size while loading time, and averageg speed per KB will be varying depending on the speed of the internet at the time of the test. So just a rough estimate. and to measure the load and optimize the speed I advise my friend to read Measuring and Improving Load Speed Blog Using Google Official Site
Measuring and comparing the weight blog if result is red, the website is slow.

If the result
is blue, it means that the website is fast compared with the average loading time.
The ideal size of a blog is <100 KB. If> 100 KB it can reduce it by removing accessories or widgets that are less necessary as a clock, calendar, picture dictionaries, etc. so that the blog can be lighter.
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