How to resolve the error using webmastr crawl tool, one of the ways of optimization blog is a way to remove the error happened when Google crawls crawling on our blog. The goal for the crawling process to be smooth, because the error crawl (crawl errors) will impede and interfere in the process of search engines crawl and index your blog.
Actually causes vary and one of the most common causes are user blogs delete articles that have been published and already indexed by google. When the Google Search Engines index the link error and then someone clicks on the link will display a page that read Crawl Error 404 Not Found, meaning that the requested URL could not be addressed or not found.
Sometimes also crawl error occurs in the comments box when there are bloggers who left the article link on our blog and the article is removed by its owner so that the warning appears Url Not Found (not found).
1. Log in to the Dashboard page of Google Webmaster Tools.
2. If you have more than one blog, select the blog you want to check (check)
3. Then on the left sidebar, click HEALTH >> ERROR crawl
4. Check all crawl errors
5. Click Mark as fixed
6. Click Ok

So if the next time you check again but still left some crawl errors that can not be repaired. Then do step 1 (one) to 3 (three) above, so that measures to
4. Click on Not Found.
5. You will be taken to a page Crawl Errors. On this page will be indicated URL Not Found. Copy the url-url.
6. Then enter the url >> Optimization >> Remove and then click Create New Removal Request

7. Paste the URL Not found were copied, then click Continue
8. Then will come the 3 options in removing the URL
>> URLs will be removed from Google search results and cache
>> URL will be deleted from the cache only
>> URLs will be removed from the Google directory
9. Click the Send Request
Removal process URL Not Found this requires quite a long time. I used to use the first method, but because there is still a stubborn errors, the second way I apply but still do not know the intervals. Depending on how diligent the Google crawl your blog. so I know the crawl errors on blogs. Hope can be resolved and the process of crawling on your blog more smoothly and help position your blog on Google.
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