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How To Change Blogspot Blog Template New Look 2014

How do I change the template on blogger blogspot? - Many bloggers are not satisfied with a simple display of his blog, and would like to design a blog or blog decorate with various ornaments. Most want to make a blog look this cool, profesionalis or order template seo friendly blog.
But, of course to edit the blog and generate interesting blog that he must follow the many tutorials how to design a blog, step by step with the installation of the widget, blog background image replacement, setting text, change colors and other titles to his blog appears as he wanted.

If such a course of time which drained very much because he had to understand one by one switch tricks blog, then implement it, not to mention the case of errors in each tutorial tips to design the blog. Instead of getting better, even so chaotic, especially if I forget to write articles for a headache thinking about decoration unfinished blog-so.

Download free cool template

Cara Mengganti Template Blog Blogspot
How To Change
Template Blog BlogspotHal This usually happens with bloggers who do not master HTML, CSS, PHP and
such as its, so it is advisable to look for the easy way to make a blog look attractive to directly download the template at a few sites that offer templates blogspot. Among these are and

Both are a blogspot blog templates free download that provides thousands of cool and attractive templates. If you've found a design that you like, then you just need to click the download link. Template will immediately you get in the form of a ZIP file, or RAR. Please extract the file.

In the extracted files will be a file with the extension .xml file. This file can be uploaded to, to replace your blogspot template.

Then how to replace this blogspot template? It's easy, follow the following procedure:

1. Log into your account blogger

2. Select the TEMPLATE from your blog menu

3. Please click the Backup / RESTORE On the right of the screen

4. The pop-up window will appear ... click TEMPLATE FULL DOWNLOAD button to save your current template in case something goes wrong.

5. When the download is completed, under the words "Upload a template from a file on your hard drive."

Click FILE SELECT button, and locate the .xml file that you have downloaded on your computer.

6. If you have please click UPLOAD

7. Wait for a while until all files have been sent.

8. If an error occurs, you only need to replace the old template that you downloaded earlier. Simply repeat steps 5-7 for the original .xml file from your blog.

How To Replace A New Blog Template others
1. Open the .xml file downloaded earlier template, right-click OPEN WITH trick >> Notepad or Ms.Word

2. Copy all the code by pressing CTRL + A then CTRL + C

3. Login to

4. Select the TEMPLATE

5. Click the Edit HTML

6. Place the cursor or pointer on the latest html edit box and press CTRL + A to block all the code and press CTRL + V to paste the code in .xml copied in step number 2

7. Click the preview, if it is correct, save changes

If the old template has a widget that does not exist in the new template will be a confirmation to maintain the widget or not (fill in your own). If you feel you need the widget, or requiring one of them, then the widget should be stored.

Maybe just once uploaded a widget that changes its position in the new template, so the reset position in the Layout menu. All you have to do to adjust the position of the widget just click, hold, and drag to where you want. Then click SAVE SETTINGS button on the top right to retain the changes.

Choose a template that suits your personality so that you do not very often change the template, because too often change the design of the blog or templates you can reduce the number of visitors from google. In addition, you also must consider in order to look good blog posts in the eye.
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Template By Kunci Dunia
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