Bank services at MoneyGram money transfer is available only to individuals. When sending via MoneyGram transfers in one currency and receive in another currency, the currency conversion is done at the point of sale when the level of service at this time. For the recipient, MoneyGram service is free. All fees will be paid by the sender at the time of sending money.
MoneyGram works closely with a number of partners from Europe. Among financial companies such as Canada Post, Cyprus, Ukraine, Iceland, Moldova, the Royal Mail from the UK and Norway, Postal Italy, Bank of Ireland, Sberbank of Russia, Kocbank, Banco Popular Espanol, and many others.
MoneyGram money transfers through the system can be used as bank customers, and by people who do not have bank accounts.
Money Transfer System Worldwide
1 Western Union
History of The Western Union Company began 161 years ago. During the period of subsistence, from the foundation to the present, it is full of interesting events and sometimes dramatic. Without exaggeration we can say that many of these events turn the wheels of world and American history. For now Western Union takes the leading position in the fast money transfer market. Western Union - a system that is most commonly used and widespread international money transfers. Western Union provides money transfer since 1871 and covers more than 200 countries worldwide.
2 Money Gram
MoneyGram - There are 75 000 points in international money transfer services in 170 countries. MoneyGram offers customer service that is fast, reliable, convenient and relatively inexpensive. Millions of people around the world believe MoneyGram.
Currently, MoneyGram is the second world leader in the growth of money transfers between individuals with the dynamics of international network services. More than 70000 branches, united in a vast network, which provides the opportunity for clients to send and receive money transfers in almost every corner of the world. 24 hours, 7 days per week, 365 days per year point MoneyGram service is ready to serve clients, providing a quick and safe transfer of money.
3 Ria Money Transfer
Ria Envia Company of America (RIA Money Transfer) involved in the transfer of money since 1987 In the beginning, the company supplied RIA money transfer for Hispanic diaspora, who lived in the United States. The initial goal of the company is to build and expand the international transfer system, providing money transfers for migrant workers to their families.
One of the most important advantages of Ria Money Transfer is a moderate commission for sending money on a system developed enough of a branch office and agency network, located in 110 countries. For example, the office network from Unistream - about 95 countries, Travelex - 130 countries, Money Gram - around 170 countries
4. S.W.I.F.T
The company SWIFT, the Society for Worldwide Interbank means Financial Telecommunication or Interbank Financial Telecommunications Society Worldwide, founded in May 1973 by 239 banks from 15 state agencies in order to create a highly efficient system of long-distance communication, information and exchange text messages between banks belonging to the network.
At first, the SWIFT system consists of approximately 500 banks from around 15 countries of Europe and North America, then this number increased to 4800 SWIFT users more than 120 countries worldwide.
Integrated system of banking SWIFT codes allows to execute communications quickly, safely and easily between members of the network 24/7, 365 days a year. Each participant was given a unique identification code Bank (BIC), which provides the right message and the type of the SWIFT network address.
5. Star Coin Money Transfer
Coinstar Inc. specializes in money transfer services and related services to retailers, including the installation of an electronic terminal, DVD kiosks and terminals to accept coins.
Offers solutions that form a portfolio of retail network "4th wall" in terms of related financial services.
Coinstar Inc. - an active participant in the M & A market and gradually increase the potential for money transfer service from private individuals.
In the period 2006-2008. Coinstar Inc acquires Travelex money transfer Money Transfer Ltd, remit and GroupEx First Financial Corp., which is one of the leading provider for international money transfer service.
6. Express Money Services
Xpress Money Services Ltd. company in recent times has become one of the leaders among the providers of money transfer system. Xpress Money is listed in London in 1999 and has been made in order to ensure high efficiency and absolute quality service to clients.
To date, the number of points, connected to a money transfer system "Xpress Money Service" exceeding 14 000 There are 75 countries around the world use this system service, including the United States, Britain, Canada, CIS countries, and the EU-state Arab countries.
The financial statements show, that in 2005 the total turnover of transactions conducted by money transfer system Express Money Services amounted to 4.5 billion dollars and this figure continues to grow.
MoneyGram money transfers through the system can be used as bank customers, and by people who do not have bank accounts.
Money Transfer System Worldwide
1 Western Union

2 Money Gram

Currently, MoneyGram is the second world leader in the growth of money transfers between individuals with the dynamics of international network services. More than 70000 branches, united in a vast network, which provides the opportunity for clients to send and receive money transfers in almost every corner of the world. 24 hours, 7 days per week, 365 days per year point MoneyGram service is ready to serve clients, providing a quick and safe transfer of money.
3 Ria Money Transfer

One of the most important advantages of Ria Money Transfer is a moderate commission for sending money on a system developed enough of a branch office and agency network, located in 110 countries. For example, the office network from Unistream - about 95 countries, Travelex - 130 countries, Money Gram - around 170 countries
4. S.W.I.F.T

At first, the SWIFT system consists of approximately 500 banks from around 15 countries of Europe and North America, then this number increased to 4800 SWIFT users more than 120 countries worldwide.
Integrated system of banking SWIFT codes allows to execute communications quickly, safely and easily between members of the network 24/7, 365 days a year. Each participant was given a unique identification code Bank (BIC), which provides the right message and the type of the SWIFT network address.
5. Star Coin Money Transfer

Offers solutions that form a portfolio of retail network "4th wall" in terms of related financial services.
Coinstar Inc. - an active participant in the M & A market and gradually increase the potential for money transfer service from private individuals.
In the period 2006-2008. Coinstar Inc acquires Travelex money transfer Money Transfer Ltd, remit and GroupEx First Financial Corp., which is one of the leading provider for international money transfer service.
6. Express Money Services

To date, the number of points, connected to a money transfer system "Xpress Money Service" exceeding 14 000 There are 75 countries around the world use this system service, including the United States, Britain, Canada, CIS countries, and the EU-state Arab countries.
The financial statements show, that in 2005 the total turnover of transactions conducted by money transfer system Express Money Services amounted to 4.5 billion dollars and this figure continues to grow.
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