How to choose the keyword or keywords are already many of us encounter on a web article or blog to share. In the blogging world we must understand how important it is to enter a keyword or keywords in the post so that the post positions are in a good position on the search results page so that we will get a visit. But how to determine the keywords or key properly?
In addition to backlinks, keyword or keyword analysis is essential to help us identify key words or phrases are best suited to promote your website or blog in search engines or search engines. For this post, I am not talking about the expensive keywords that are often targeted by the businessmen adsense. Usually, many tools provided by some websites to analyze the keywords or keywords that are sought after by visitors. It is also accompanied by some of the following:
- The level of competition for keywords
- List of keyword combinations
- Comparison of search volume for multiple keywords
If friends - fellow bloggers want to know how to choose good keywords, we can use the following tools for keyword analysis:
Google Insight / Insight: provide information about the search volume from one or more keywords in time and location.
This keyword analysis tool is very useful for comparing different word or phrase. Google Insigt or google insights provide a combination of keywords associated with itsearch. besides also provide news related to the keyword / keywords.
Google Adwords: besides giving us information about one or more search volume keyword phrases, this tool provides a level of advertiser competition, the data are very interesting, especially we are also a blogger who has a business google adsense.
WordTracker: other keyword analysis tool that provides information about the search volume keywords and suggest other combinations of keywords related to the introduced. This tool can be used to compare the data with that obtained previously. But this tool, suitable for determining English keywords
Google Trends: with this tool, we will know the keywords that is a trend or much sought after within a specified period. For example, in the post yesterday I accidentally made a post with a lunar eclipse theme, based on Google trends, this keyword is popular again. And finally I was getting over 5000 visits towards the post.
In addition to the above, my own who are learning seo, often do keyword research easily using the manual method as shown below:
If you type the word "way", it would appear that some of the sentences given by google. So if you want to select the title, then it would be much better post title contains the keywords or keyword. I think the sentence is given google keywords searched by users. In addition to the above, there are many more ways to choose your keywords better and easier. If friends - friends no more good tips, let's share. Greetings Blogger ..
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