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How to Calculate Revenue from Google Adsense

For Adsense mania probably following calculation formula can add insight about how the calculation of income from google adsense. The following are examples of the calculation formula.

Calculations Adsense:

CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) * 100
EPC = Earnings Per Click
eCPM = (Earnings / Impressions) * 1000
eCPM = CTR * EPC * 10
Earnings = eCPM * Impressions / 1000
Earnings = CTR * EPC * Impressions / 100

Example: Today there are 9 clicks from 2017 impressions. (for example, EPC = 0:04)

CTR = (9/2017) * 100 = 0.4462 = 0.45

eCPM = 0.4462 * 0.04 * 10 = 0.17848 = 0.18
eCPM = (0.3599941 / 2017) * 1000 = 0.17848 = 0.18

Earnings = 0.17848 * 2017/1000 = 0.3599941 = 0.36
Earnings = 0.4462 * 0.04 * 2017/100 = 0.3599941 = 0.36

Note: Read also here to recognize the term - the term adsense above
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